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Nedra Nubern Met her only once, but remember her kindness May 22, 2013
My name is Nedra and I have  son Eric who is Anthony Walker Sr. son. Years ago he wrote his Dad a letter wanting to see him, Melody invited us to come by. i believe on 14th street in Chicago Heights. She was very sweet and introduced me to two daughters who were there. one was a baby. i have been looking Anthony all theae years just so he could see his son. I am so heartbroken to find out that Melody is no longer with us physically. But I remember it was she who made contact with us to help bring together father and som. I know she raised five wonderful children and pray for your family. As i said I only met her once but shw was so kind and real to me. I will always think of her and her kindness. I know God has her in his arms now and she is happy.
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